The colors listed below are intended to cover the whole range of the color palette associated with the tag (i.e. olive or lime would both be green).
- light flesh Represents human-type minis(including elves, dwarves, gnomes, etc.) who have a lighter flesh hue.
- dark flesh Represents human-type minis(including elves, dwarves, gnomes, etc.) who have a melanin-rich, darker flesh tone,
- black Represents non-human-type minis that have colored surfaces other than flesh, such as fur or scales. Not to be used as a tag for human-type minis.
- blue Represents any humanoid with a blueish skin tone.
- brown Represents non-human-type minis that have colored surfaces other than flesh, such as fur or scales. Not to be used as a tag for human-type minis.
- green Represents any humanoid with a greenish skin tone.
- grey Represents any humanoid with a greyish skin tone.
- obsidian Represents a human-type mini that has pure black skin, such as traditional depictions of drow.
- orange Represents any humanoid with an orangish blueish skin tone.
- purple Represents any humanoid with a purplish skin tone.
- red Represents any humanoid with a reddish skin tone.
- tan Represents non-human-type minis that have colored surfaces other than flesh, such as fur or scales. Not to be used as a tag for human-type characters.
- white Represents non-human-type minis that have colored surfaces other than flesh, such as fur or scales. Not to be used as a tag for human-type minis. (Exception: some human-type minis do have pure-white skin -- if the mini is painted with pure white skin, then also use this tag in addition to the light flesh tag.)
- yellow Represents non-human-type minis that have colored surfaces other than flesh, such as fur or scales. Not to be used as a tag for human-type characters.