So, I took full advantage of the CSI sale, nabbing the ship sets, a case of boosters, and the dreadnought. Total that with the discounted copy of the accompanying books I scored last month, and my Spelljammer haul ended up costing less than the SRP on the case alone. Overall, I'm pretty pleased. The books made the concept much more appealing to me than it had been at first glance, and the value for having both the vehicle options as well as the normal scale minis could not be beat at these prices. Granted, it's not a complete acquisition - those promos will elude me for a long time, and the elf-centric box sets don't do much for me at all - but to spend shy of the exorbitant CE price while getting plenty of what would matter in a D&D in space campaign more than makes up for the few that I'm missing in my eyes.
Thanks to all those who diligently report these sales.
That said, I did end up with some unfortunate gripes with Wizkids' QC. First was the rare Solar Dragon from the booster set, which was missing most of its spines. They were snapped off somewhere, but not found in the booster or bubble wrap, so I have no repair option. I'll be filing a claim for this.

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There isn't any severe carton damage, but there was no insert in this booster, either. I could understand the likelihood that it rattled around loose and broke the delicate spikes, but they should have been present. It looks like they were busted before it got packed.
My other gripe is the poor quality of the gargantuan Dreadnought. Damn, would I be angry if I had payed full price for this specimen. The thing is like a big rotocast chewtoy. The details are doughy and the assembly is not done well. The fitment of the upper jaw is so poor there's a gap under its eye. The seams are all filled with some kind of gross plastic weld or hot glue, and the underside and tail of mine are deflated. I do appreciate the attempt to employ magnets to hold the tail on, but the deformities with mine leave a gap big enough to stick a space elf's head in. Did anybody else notice problems with the way this beast is made? I'm pretty disappointed, but somehow on the fence about claiming this one. It feels like it may be easy for them if this set is as unpopular as it seems and they're sitting on a heap of these enormous minis. It's probably worth the hassle.

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This is too expensive.