Curse of Strahd (D&D)

Recommended pre-painted miniatures to use with published adventures. Spoiler warning: these threads will contain many spoilers – recommended for gamemasters only.

Moderator: Kualan

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Curse of Strahd (D&D)

Post by Kor »

Recommendations courtesy of Kualan

Anastrasya Karelova, a female vampire consort of Strahd: Curse of Strahd: Denizens of Castle Ravenloft – Anastrasya Karelova
Anna Krezkova, a female human noble: Waterdeep: Dragon Heist Box Set 2 – Yalah Gralhund
Arabelle, a female human Vistani child: Critical Role: Kryn Dynasty & Xhoras Box Set – Lotusden Halfling
Arrigal, a male human Vistani: Critical Role: NPCs of Exandria – Clasp Member
Baba Lysaga, a female witch: Curse of Strahd: Legends of Barovia – Baba Lysaga
Bella Sunbane, a female night hag: Curse of Strahd: Covens & Covenants – Bella Sunbane
Bluto Krogarov, a male human drunkard: Saltmarsh Box Set 1 – Sigurd "Snake Eyes", Pirate Captain
Cyrus Belview, a male mongrelfolk: Curse of Strahd: Legends of Barovia – Mongrelfolk
Danika Dorakova, a female wereraven: Dragonlance: Shadow of the Dragon Queen – Ansalon Human B
Davian Martikov, a male wereraven: Critical Role: Guests of Critical Role – Shakaste
Dmitri Krezkov, a male human burgomaster: Waterdeep: Dragon Heist Box Set 2 – Orond Gralhund
Donavich, a male human priest: Waterdeep: Dragon Heist Box Set 2 – Barnibus Blastwind
Emil Toranescu, a male werewolf: Curse of Strahd: Denizens of Castle Ravenloft – Emil Toranescu
Ernst Larnak, a male human spy: Dragonlance: Shadow of the Dragon Queen – Jeyev Uth Veldrews
Escher, a male vampire consort of Strahd: Curse of Strahd: Denizens of Castle Ravenloft – Escher
Ezmerelda d'Avenir, a female human monster hunter: Curse of Strahd: Legends of Barovia – Ezmerelda d'Avenir
Gadof Blinsky, a male human toymaker: Curse of Strahd: Denizens of Barovia – Gadof Blinsky
Gertruda, a female human guest of Strahd: Curse of Strahd: Denizens of Castle Ravenloft – Gertruda
Helwa, a female human gladiator: Critical Role: The Tombtakers – Tyffial
Henrik van der Voort, a male human carpenter: Critical Role: NPCs of Tal'dorei Set 2 – Viktor
Ireena Kolyana, a female human noble: Curse of Strahd: Denizens of Barovia – Ireena Kolyana
Ismark Kolyanovich, a male human burgomaster: Curse of Strahd: Denizens of Barovia – Ismark Kolyanovich
Izek Strazni, a male human enforcer: Curse of Strahd: Denizens of Barovia – Izek Strazni
Karl Wachter, a male human noble: Dragonlance: Shadow of the Dragon Queen – Bakaris the Younger
Kasimir Velikov, a male dusk elf: Critical Role: NPCs of Exandria – Remnant Cultist
Kiril Stoyanovich, a male werewolf: Critical Role: Monsters of Exandria Set 2 – Sylas Briarwood
Lady Fiona Wachter, a female human noble: Curse of Strahd: Denizens of Barovia – Lady Wachter
Lief Lipsiege, a male human accountant: Waterdeep: Dragon Heist Box Set 2 – Saeth Cromley
Lucian Petrovich, a male human priest: Waterdeep: Dragon Heist – Merchant
Ludmilla Vilisevic, a female vampire consort of Strahd: Curse of Strahd: Denizens of Castle Ravenloft – Ludmilla Vilisevic
Luvash, a male human Vistani: Waterdeep: Dragon Heist Box Set 2 – Urstul Floxin
Lydia Petrovna, a female human baroness: Strixhaven Set 2 – Witherbloom Student
Mad Mary, a female human commoner: Storm King's Thunder Box Set 2 – Kella Darkhope
Madam Eva, a female human fortune teller: Curse of Strahd: Legends of Barovia – Madam Eva
Milivoj, a male human commoner: Waterdeep: Dragon Heist – Renaer Neverember
Morgantha, a female night hag: Curse of Strahd: Covens & Covenants – Morgantha
Muriel Vinshaw, a female wereraven: Pathfinder Battles: The Mwangi Expanse – Vidrian Revolutionary
Nikolai Wachter, a male human noble: The Yawning Portal Inn: Friendly Faces – Jalester Silvermane
Offalia Wormwriggle, a female night hag: Curse of Strahd: Covens & Covenants – Offalia Wormwriggle
Patrina Velikovna, a female dusk elf mage: 50th Anniversary – Elf 5e
Pidlwick II, a male puppet: Curse of Strahd: Legends of Barovia – Pidlwick II
Rahadin, a male dusk elf servant of Strahd: Curse of Strahd: Denizens of Castle Ravenloft – Rahadin
Rictavio, a male half-elf bard: The Yawning Portal Inn: Friendly Faces – Mattrim "Threestrings" Mereg
Rose, a female human ghost: Curse of Strahd: Covens & Covenants – Rose
Rudolph van Richten, a male human monster hunter: Curse of Strahd: Legends of Barovia – Rudolph van Richten
Sir Godfrey Gwilym, a male revenant knight: Curse of Strahd: Denizens of Barovia – Sir Godfrey Gwilym
Stella Wachter, a female human noble: Critical Role: NPCs of Tal'dorei Set 2 – Cassandra de Rolo
Strahd von Zarovich, a male vampire lord: Curse of Strahd: Legends of Barovia – Strahd von Zarovich
Szoldar Szoldarovich, a male human hunter: Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage – Berserker
Tatyana, a female human lost love of Strahd: Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft – Vampiric Tatyana
The Abbot, a male holy man: Curse of Strahd: Covens & Covenants – The Abbot
The Mad Mage of Baratok: Saltmarsh Box Set 1 – Rip Tide Priest
Thorn, a male human ghost: Curse of Strahd: Covens & Covenants – Thorn
Urwin Martikov, a male wereraven: Critical Role: The Darrington Brigade – Lawrence Darrington
Vargas Vallakovich, a male human baron: Critical Role: Dwendalian Empire Box Set – Dwendalian Aristocrat
Vasilka, a female flesh golem: Curse of Strahd: Covens & Covenants – Vasilka
Victor Vallakovich, a male human noble: Critical Role: Dwendalian Empire Box Set – Volstrucker Agent
Vilnius, a male human mage: Waterdeep: Dragon Heist Box Set 1 – Manshoon
Vladimir Horngaard, a male revenant knight: Curse of Strahd: Denizens of Barovia – Vladimir Horngaard
Volenta Popofsky, a female vampire consort of Strahd: Curse of Strahd: Denizens of Castle Ravenloft – Volenta Popofsky
Yevgeni Krushkin, a male human hunter: Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage – Veteran Leader
Zuleika Toranescu, a female werewolf: Voices of the Realms: Band of Heroes – Druid

Amber Golem x 1: Critical Role: Monsters of Tal'dorei Set 1 – Cobalt Golem
Animated Armor (Strahd) x 1: Rage of Demons – Helmed Horror
Animated Armor x 1: Fangs and Talons – Animated Armor
Animated Broom x 3: N/A
Arcanaloth x 1: Monster Menagerie 3 – Arcanaloth
Assassin x 1: Waterdeep: Dragon Heist – Spy
Banshee x 1: Fangs and Talons – Banshee
Barovian Commoner x 18: Vecna: Eve of Ruin – Angry Commoner
Barovian Scout x 6: Dragonlance: Shadow of the Dragon Queen – Ansalon Human C
Barovian Witch x 7: Return of the Dragons – Green Hag
Berserker x 6: Snowbound – Chardalyn Berserker
Black Carriage x 1: Death Coach
Black Pudding x 1: Monster Menagerie 2 – Black Pudding
Cat x 8: Wild Shape & Polymorph Set 1 – Cat
Clay Golem x 4: Quests from the Infinite Staircase – Clay Golem
Crawling Claw x 12: Boneyard – Crawling Claw
Cult Fanatic x 4: Monster Manual Collection 1 – Death Cultist
Cultist x 8: Waterdeep: Dragon Heist – Human Warlock of the Fiend
Death Slaad x 1: Boneyard – Death Slaad
Deva x 1: Snowbound – Deva
Dire Wolf x 6: Wild Shape & Polymorph Set 2 – Dire Wolf
Draft Horse x 8: Pathfinder Battles: Rusty Dragon Inn – Draft Horse
Dretch x 1: Rage of Demons – Dretch Demon
Druid x 6: Return of the Dragons – Wood Elf Druid
Dusk Elf x 3: Dragonlance: Shadow of the Dragon Queen – Qualnesti Elf
Flameskull x 3: Phandelver and Below: The Shattered Obelisk – Flameskull
Flesh Golem x 1: Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage – Flesh Golem
Flying Halberd x 10: Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage – Flying Sword
Flying Sword x 5: Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage – Flying Sword
Gargoyle x 8: Snowbound – Gargoyle
Ghast x 7: Boneyard – Ghast
Ghost x 1: Boneyard – Ghost
Ghoul x 6: Boneyard – Ghoul
Giant Goat x 1: Summoned Creatures Set 1 – Giant Goat
Giant Poisonous Snake x 4: Bigby Presents: Glory of the Giants – Giant Poisonous Snake
Giant Spider x 9: Phandelver and Below: The Shattered Obelisk – Giant Spider
Giant Wolf Spider x 3: Fangs and Talons – Giant Wolf Spider
Goat x 9: Quests from the Infinite Staircase – Goat
Gray Ooze x 1: Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage – Gray Ooze
Grick x 1: Quests from the Infinite Staircase – Grick
Guard x 12: Waterdeep: Dragon Heist – City Guard
Guardian Portrait x 1: N/A
Hell Hound x 3: Storm King's Thunder – Hell Hound
Imp x 1: Adventures from Baldur's Gate – Imp
Invisible Stalker x 1: Quests from the Infinite Staircase – Invisible Stalker
Iron Golem x 2: Monster Menagerie 2 – Iron Golem
Lich x 1: Boneyard – Lich
Mastiff x 2: Pathfinder Battles: Rusty Dragon Inn – Riding Dog
Mongrelfolk x 9: Curse of Strahd: Legends of Barovia – Mongrelfolk
Monkey x 1: Critical Role: Bell's Hells – Little Mister
Mule x 1: Fangs and Talons – Pack Mule
Needle Blight x 35: Return of the Dragons – Needle Blight
Nightmare x 1: Monster Manual Collection 1 – Nightmare
Nothic x 4: Phandelver and Below: The Shattered Obelisk – Nothic
Phantom Warrior x 7: Boneyard – Phantom Warrior
Quasit x 1: Rage of Demons – Quasit
Red Dragon Wyrmling x 4: Monster Manual Collection 1 – Red Dragon Wyrmling
Revenant x 5: Dragonlance: Shadow of the Dragon Queen – Skeletal Knight
Riding Horse x 6: Pathfinder Battles: Rusty Dragon Inn – Riding Horse
Roc x 1: Critical Role – Ember Roc
Rug of Smothering x 1: Quests from the Infinite Staircase – Rug of Smothering
Saber-Toothed Tiger x 1: Quests from the Infinite Staircase – Saber-Toothed Tiger
Scarecrow x 7: Pathfinder Battles: Darklands Rising – Scarecrow
Shadow Demon x 1: 50th Anniversary – Shadow Demon
Shadow x 6: Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage – Shadow
Shambling Mound x 1: Phandelver and Below: The Shattered Obelisk – Shambling Mound
Shield Guardian x 1: Waterdeep: Dragon Heist – Shield Guardian
Skeletal Rider x 1: Dragonlance: Shadow of the Dragon Queen – Skeletal Rider
Skeleton x 12: Vecna: Eve of Ruin – Skeleton
Specter x 6: Boneyard – Specter
Swarm of Bats x 10: Monster Menagerie – Swarm of Bats
Swarm of Insects x 1: Sand & Stone – Swarm of Insects (Wasps)
Swarm of Poisonous Snakes x 7: Bigby Presents: Glory of the Giants – Giant Poisonous Snake
Swarm of Rats x 8: Planescape: Adventures in the Multiverse – Swarm of Cranium Rat Squeakers
Swarm of Ravens x 4: Monster Menagerie – Swarm of Bats
Tree Blight x 1: Snowbound – Awakened Tree
Twig Blight x 24: Fangs and Talons – Twig Blight
Vampire Spawn x 6: Boneyard – Vampire Spawn
Vine Blight x 3: Fizban's Treasury of Dragons – Vine Blight
Vistani x 15: Storm King's Thunder – Bandit Captain / Bandit
Vrock x 2: Vecna: Eve of Ruin – Vrock
Wereraven x 9: Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft – Wereraven
Werewolf (human form) x 6: Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage – Thug
Werewolf (wolf form) x 6: Monster Menagerie – Werewolf
Wight x 15: Dragonlance: Shadow of the Dragon Queen – Wight
Will-o'-Wisp x 1: Boneyard – Will-o'-Wisp
Wolf x 20: Phandelver and Below: The Shattered Obelisk – Wolf
Wraith x 1: Dragonlance: Shadow of the Dragon Queen – Wraith
Young Blue Dragon x 1: Return of the Dragons – Young Blue Dragon
Zombie x 18: Boneyard – Zombie
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Re: Curse of Strahd (D&D)

Post by Kualan »

Finally finished playing a CoS campaign recently, so was able to break open the book without worrying about spoilers. List now complete and OP updated.
Current PPM wishlist: Barlgura, Bronze Scout, Cultist/Cult Fanatic, Gnoll Witherling, Hezrou, Nonaton, Stone Defender,
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