Wow, I love the pose on this, many people have been asking for a non-flying Dragon, and here it is!
The eggs look nice - extra interesting if they will be in scale with the Fizban's Egg Hunter Adult!
To me it seems the Kobold Dragonshield is a re-pose of the one from the Warband. The others are the same.
I think once discounts start hitting, this can go down to 80-75$ (and maybe we get an "Adventures in a Box Bundle" at 50% too, who knows!

) and given the insane prices of Huge Dragons, especially Chromatics, I think it is not a bad one.
As a reminder, the last Huge Red Dragon, Ignia from the Kansaldi set, costs 90$ MSRP and the cheapest I have seen that one was 64$. Before that, we have the F&T Young Red Dragon, and that one tends to be 35$, but that mini (and the Young Blue Dragon and the Mindwitness) are famously very badly painted (as in, they are lacking several paint steps, with the Red, only the forearms have actual red paint, the rest of the mini is red plastic).
If we go back in time to older Huge Red Dragons, the Against the Giants Elder Red Dragon goes for 45-50$, and the Giants of Legend Huge Red Dragon... WOW I wanted to say 60-70$ but it seems time and the abundance of Huge Red Dragon minis has not been kinds to the old DDM's worth...
Yeah, sold for 18$!!! This was a lucky stroke though - most others I have found went for 40-45$.
At any rate, this new one also comes with a lot of terrain, hoard, eggs, 5 Kobolds (even though 4 of those are re-releases I can always use more worker pickaxe wielding Kobolds, Urds (Winged Kobolds) and that crossbow dude is one of the best from the Warband) - and costs only 10$ more than Kansaldi did. Not counting also the maps, which if you are a display guy like me, you can just sell to an RPG gamer.
Given that Kansaldi went down to 64$ from 90$ in some shops, we can expect this to go as low as 75$ too.