Silverland (Hungary)

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Location: Hungary

Silverland (Hungary)

Post by BBShockwave »

Just realized I never made a topic for them, despite them being Hungary's oldest RPG and gamer store!
The site is in hungarian only, and rather outdated, also I have no idea if they would ship outside the country.
But I wanted to mention them here, since I have visited this place (mostly to read AD&D lorebooks) since I was a kid, and despite being smaller than my kitchen, the store is chock-full of some really old classic stuff, both miniatures and books.
If anyone wants anything from here, I can help if needed, the store is just a few stops from where I live, and I can also ask the owners whether they would ship out of the country.
While their prices for current single minis are rather expensive, they mostly sell boosters and premium minis for around the same price as other european stores. However, they also have some really hard to find classic stuff - even as far back as Ral Partha D&D, Shadowrun and other pewter minis and their prices are not bad for those.
Use the "Keresés" box on the left to search, and click on the "Leírás" (description) buttons to see the pages for the items, with the prices (in hungarian Forint).
The owners are very helpful, and they know their stuff, they are big gamers themselves.
Does whatever a Spiderdragon can!
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