Will Trade Witchlight Skabatha Nightshade+Sugarlump for Jabberwock

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Will Trade Witchlight Skabatha Nightshade+Sugarlump for Jabberwock

Post by BBShockwave »

I got my brick of Witchlight and sadly, pulled one of the Hags as my Large/Medium Rare pairing, when I am only interested in the Jabberwock.
IMG-2776.JPG (506.63 KiB) Viewed 1062 times
(The connector pieces / saddle are not in the pic but I do have them of course.)
Willing to trade Skabatha Nightshade AND her rocking horse Sugarlump for the Jabberwock! Given that the Jabberwock usually goes for 35$ and the Hags + mounts go for 40$ or more, this is a generous deal I think.

While I am located in Hungary, I am going to send a package to a friend of mine in California, so I can send the minis there and he would ship to you and you can ship to him.
Does whatever a Spiderdragon can!
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