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Runewars Miniatures game

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2022 8:27 pm
by JLant1
Hey Folks,

Years ago I picked a bunch of this stuff on one of FFG's winter sales for a major discount...and it sat on my shelf opened but unplayed. Recently I've had a renewed interest in miniatures wargames and so I dusted the box off and looked inside. The minis are pretty good! They are close enough in scale to Paizo/WOTC minis to play together:
RW1.jpg (282.96 KiB) Viewed 1094 times
Really great detail on these and the knob in hole assembly is really snug - doesn't even need glue!

Re: Runewars Miniatures game

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2022 11:09 pm
by ksbsnowowl
The Runewars mini's are great! I picked up a lot of these two years ago when a lot of places were moving them out on clearance. Best deal I got was the core set for $22.

They have some of the best plastic (good detail, straight swords, stiff spears/blades, but not brittle), and I love the skeletons. Sure, their heads are too big, but I love everything else about them.

Guyra has a good video on them from a few years back.

Re: Runewars Miniatures game

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2022 1:09 pm
by Guyra
Yeah, Runewars is absolutely awesome! I love the sculpts! In my opinion, they've got the perfect amount of detail, and the details are quite crisp. The style is also very nice, and the plastic is in that optimal place between stiff and soft. Very easy to put together, usually with only 3-4 parts that fit snuggly together. And they can be found quite cheap! :D

Also: Nice, round, 25mm bases. ;) (At least for the medium sized minis.)

It's too bad the game didn't last longer than it did, because I would've loved seeing what other sculpts they would've made.

(There are some expansions, though some are just more of the minis in the starter set.)

Re: Runewars Miniatures game

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2022 6:48 am
by Cusm
I picked up everything over several months after the cancelation buying big lots from people for next to nothing. I can play the game or use the minis in many other games. I hate that these are heroic scale and not true scale like the Wizkids lines.

Re: Runewars Miniatures game

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2022 8:27 pm
by JLant1
Washing some the runewars base set to prepare for priming and noticed that the scale matches Reaper Bones Black Mangu Timur (Learn to Paint Core Skills) pretty well:
Mangu Timur_Daquan Spearman.jpg
Mangu Timur_Daquan Spearman.jpg (313.84 KiB) Viewed 980 times