Nolzur's Wish List

Discuss WizKids', Deep Cut and Nolzur's Marvelous Miniatures, Reaper Bones and other such products.
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Re: Nolzur's Wish List

Post by BBShockwave »

Did they do an unpainted Pentadrone yet? I know they did the Mono-Duo-Quadrones... If not, maybe they can do a 3-pack with one Pentadrone and 2 Tridrones.
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Re: Nolzur's Wish List

Post by viperthelizard »

I would love to see a sibrex and or the gargantuan elementals from MTOF
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Re: Nolzur's Wish List

Post by Infernalslayer »

Sibriex for sure, but i have a feeling it will be included in a prepainted set in the future.

I would love to see a Yeenoghu's Balor, since it was huge and didn't make it into "Descent into Avernus" with the rest of its kin, though i moreso hope for a prepainted version in a set.
Demon, Yeenoghu's Balor.jpg
Demon, Yeenoghu's Balor.jpg (81.53 KiB) Viewed 3878 times
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Re: Nolzur's Wish List

Post by The Schwartz »

I wouldn't mind better scupts for mind flayers. The existing ones are nice, but they don't match look of mind flayers.
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Re: Nolzur's Wish List

Post by snaggle2th »

Infernalslayer wrote: Tue Oct 27, 2020 7:40 amSibriex for sure, but i have a feeling it will be included in a prepainted set in the future.
This was confirmed for Boneyard: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=566&start=120
Infernalslayer wrote: Tue Oct 27, 2020 7:40 amI would love to see a Yeenoghu's Balor, since it was huge and didn't make it into "Descent into Avernus" with the rest of its kin, though i moreso hope for a prepainted version in a set.
+1 to this!
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Re: Nolzur's Wish List

Post by Mattnuke »

BBShockwave wrote: Sat Oct 24, 2020 5:32 am Did they do an unpainted Pentadrone yet? I know they did the Mono-Duo-Quadrones... If not, maybe they can do a 3-pack with one Pentadrone and 2 Tridrones.
Only the monodrone and duodrone have been released in Nolzur’s. I might add that they also have weapons, so they’re more appropriate for gaming (IMO).

I’m betting on a Tridrone/Quadrone two pack in wave 15.

There are some upcoming releases that have me scratching my head, like two different packs of Jackleweres.

Things I’d like to see at this point include a three pack of giant ants, giant wasps, giant centipedes, baboons (so many old monsters are basically just reskinned baboons), a ‘huge’ size trapper (20’ x 20’), giant bats, pathfinder cloud giants (different sculpt), more pathfinder hobgoblins, xanthir vang (worm that walks), a resculpt of the allip, and a whole bunch of MTG stuff based on Lorwyn/Shadowmoor(especially Kithkin, Flamekin, and the Elves with the horns!)

I’d like WotC to get off their butts and put some more of the 2ed/3rd edition monsters back in the game so WizKids can make the minis for them. I’m looking at you Belker, Howler, Krenshar, Destrachian, Athach, Ythrack, Thoqqua, and Arrowhawk,
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Re: Nolzur's Wish List

Post by ksbsnowowl »

Mattnuke wrote: Sun Dec 06, 2020 1:50 am
I’d like WotC to get off their butts and put some more of the 2ed/3rd edition monsters back in the game so WizKids can make the minis for them. I’m looking at you Belker, Howler, Krenshar, Destrachian, Athach, Ythrack, Thoqqua, and Arrowhawk,
I recently found the Runewars Flesh Rippers expansion, and felt they will make some good Howlers. I intend to drill tiny holes and insert brush bristles or something to be the quills. They come with 1” x 2” bases, but could easily just be glued to a 2” round base.

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Re: Nolzur's Wish List

Post by Yack »

The Howler, Krenshar, Destrachian were released in past sets before 5e as ppm not sure what they go for singles if you do not already have them.

But Belker, Ythrack, Thoqqua, and Arrowhawk I would be all over those! Lets make this happen!
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Re: Nolzur's Wish List

Post by Mattnuke »

Yack wrote: Tue Dec 08, 2020 6:14 pm The Howler, Krenshar, Destrachian were released in past sets before 5e as ppm not sure what they go for singles if you do not already have them.

But Belker, Ythrack, Thoqqua, and Arrowhawk I would be all over those! Lets make this happen!
I have plenty of each of those old ones, I’d like the new icons treatment given to them. I’m sure they would be better all around.
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Re: Nolzur's Wish List

Post by The Schwartz »

The Schwartz wrote: Thu Oct 01, 2020 7:42 am After reading through Rime of the Frostmaiden, I would like to see axebeaks - either alone or mounted by a human(oid) wearing thick cold weather gear. or both!
Prepainted axebeaks are in Snowbound! Close enough for me. :)
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Re: Nolzur's Wish List

Post by PanoramaPanda »

I just wish they’d do more Nolzurs, not less like they’ve discussed for 2022.
My wish is alternate sculpts for the young adult metallic dragons and new standing sculpts for the red, green and black. Dragons are the most fun to paint imo.
Also more giant animals - croc, young roc, plesiosaur, huge scorpion (w 8 legs), maybe an Irish elk, maybe a stegosaurus.
Not too many dinos, but a couple more would be cool. But I mainly want this after I wasted $200 on Petersen’s Kickstarter for Dinosaur 1944 that will never happen since his company is currently and probably permanently insolvent.
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Re: Nolzur's Wish List

Post by Aerodus »

PanoramaPanda wrote: Thu Aug 26, 2021 7:34 am I just wish they’d do more Nolzurs, not less like they’ve discussed for 2022.
My wish is alternate sculpts for the young adult metallic dragons and new standing sculpts for the red, green and black. Dragons are the most fun to paint imo.
Also more giant animals - croc, young roc, plesiosaur, huge scorpion (w 8 legs), maybe an Irish elk, maybe a stegosaurus.
Not too many dinos, but a couple more would be cool. But I mainly want this after I wasted $200 on Petersen’s Kickstarter for Dinosaur 1944 that will never happen since his company is currently and probably permanently insolvent.
I’ll never back a ks again.
Sorry to hear about the Kickstarter. I feel like whether or not you like the platform really depends on how many successful campaigns you’ve been apart of before getting burned.

Otherwise I’d definitely like to see more Nolzurs, especially the ones you mentioned.

Why 8 legs for the scorpion? Scorpions have six legs and two claws (for a total of eight, being arachnids and all).

Edit: Nevermind - guess Google could have told me I’m wrong. Oops.
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Re: Nolzur's Wish List

Post by Clint »

That sucks about losing your money on that KS. I'm super paranoid about them and only back ones with a proven track record, even if it means missing out on some great deals. You can take Reaper and Dwarven Forge to the bank, for example, and Monster Fight Club looks to be really delivering on their most recent KS.

I too want to see more Nolzur's rather than less. In particular, I would love to see more variant sculpts of common foes such as skeletons, zombies, and so on. Unpainted versions of the Icons minis would be fine, giving us cool options like elf and Goliath zombies, and dwarf and orc skeletons. I would also love to see a few more gargantuan minis in the unpainted line. The unpainted Pathfinder dragons are fantastic sculpts, and the Nolzur's Kraken is amazing. An unpainted, gargantuan Roc would be incredible!

I would also like to see at least one of every demon and devil in the MM get a Nolzur's release.
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Post by HobRoss »

. .
Last edited by HobRoss on Fri Dec 24, 2021 11:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Nolzur's Wish List

Post by berk the black »

Welcome to minisgalley, HobRoss.

Out of your list more Cloud Giants would be the one I’d want the most.
Disclamer: I prefer black bases, and as such have painted many clear bases black. Pictures of my collection will reflect this, varying from the original way the mini was produced.
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