I'm very enthusiastic about the just-announced Storm King's Thunder NPC sets. I would absolutely love to see some more sets like this for some of the other older 5e hardcovers.
I'm currently running Princes of the Apocalypse and I love it. I'm aware this isn't a highly regarded module, but I would absolutely love having a similar set for this campaign.
As with most of the major hardcover adventures, the Gale Force Nine miniatures for PotA are good to have, though fragile. But there are so many more NPCs here that are very evocatively described in the text but difficult to find good proxy minis that have those evocative details.
Plus, there are quite a lot of generic enemies found only in this module: especially the various types of cultists with awesome art in the module but no corresponding available miniature.
And finally, the list of common D&D monsters in this module that we somehow still don't have Nolzur's minis for is surprisingly long (many of these were released as prepaints, but I'm among those who consider that a much less preferable option):
merrow, mephits, hippogriffs, azers, giant vultures, nothics...
(Frankly, given the prominent use of a
I'm surprised there isn't a Nolzur's version of that one yet; I would have expected that by now WizKids would have Nolzurized all the monsters from that adventure.)
And the best of all—really, I would absolutely love this—would be the four Princes themselves. I know, there are whopping big elemental lords already on the docket, but those are different from the Princes. I suppose the elemental lords minis, combined with the relative unpopularity of the module, plus the fact that if you play the module as written you only ever encounter
all adds up to make it very unlikely these will ever be produced. But man, would I ever love to have them!